Mallorie\'s Blog

Mission with Mal

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Taking a gap year has been something that’s been on my mind since I started applying to colleges my junior year. I didn’t quite feel ready yet to move on to college and I was afraid of academic burnout. There were a few other gap year programs that I looked into (non mission related) but none of them were anything like the World Race. God kept putting this program on my heart again and again throughout the college application process and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. But there were so many doubts and fears in my head that made me hesitant. Number one: leaving my family for nine whole months. I’m going to miss them and my dogos like crazy, I’m already so upset about it. Number two: Money. Guys. I have to raise $17,500. It’s a huge amount and it’s so intimidating. And three (my biggest fear): serving as a missionary for the very first time (and in a completely new environment). I was (and still am) so afraid of not being a “good enough” Christian to take a step like this and being judged by others who want to dedicate their life to mission work. Then I came across this verse in 2 Corinthians (the way He works is so cool) “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.” This verse sent chills down my spine and unclenched the knot in my stomach. This was exactly the reminder I needed of who was in control (spoiler alert: it’s not me). God doesn’t call the equipped- He equips the called, and He wouldn’t have led me down this path without a plan. 

If there’s anyone reading this who is feeling a tap on the shoulder from God about literally anything- don’t hesitate to ask Him. He is good and He answers!

That’s a wrap on blog number one! Please keep me (and my future squad-mates!) in your prayers, and thanks so much for taking the time to read!

2 responses to “Why did I choose the World Race?”

  1. Mal, we are going to miss you like crazy too. You are a strong, brave girl and you’re figuring out what God has planned for you and how He will walk beside you in it all ❤️

  2. I will follow you closely. Loved your first post and a check is in the mail.
    God’s blessings,