Mallorie\'s Blog

Mission with Mal

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GUYS! I’m fully funded! What!?? I was so scared I wouldn’t even hit the 40% mark to be able to launch and then God went and provided it all before training camp was even over. Thank you to everyone who has opened their hearts to me and this mission. I am so so grateful for you!

Before I leave for the airport tonight (Nicaragua here we come!!) I wanted to write one more blog about how God’s been moving in my life on the race and how He’s been radically changing my perspective and self image. This season of life has been super confusing for me trying to figure out who I am on my own as a person. I’ve given a little too much importance to what I think other people think about me and my accomplishments and so many other worldly things. But that’s not who I am. The enemy uses those things as a distraction from who we really are. Satan wants us to be confused. He knows the less we know about our true identity, the less we know about the Father and that there is power in our true identity because there is power in who God is. I used to think that because we were all children of God there was nothing special or unique about me as an individual. That God didn’t cherish me specifically. And that is SO not true. We were created to reflect different traits of God. We are all so different because we reflect different things but have EVERYTHING in common because we reflect the same God. This revelation has been so sweet in this season because I’ve been able to better appreciate spiritual gifts in both others and myself.

But yeah that’s all for now. I’m SO ready for ministry in Nicaragua! Peace out USA, see ya in eight months!

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