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Mission with Mal <3

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Hey guys! So we made it to Nicaragua and I am LOVING it! This is my first blog post from here so I thought I’d just give y’all a rundown on our day to day life in this beautiful country.

Our day starts at 5 in the morning with some quality time with the Lord. We get 2 whole hours every day to just sit and be with God and it’s been so sweet. I’m gonna be so honest, I’ve had some trouble staying awake but it’s such a good way to start off the day. After our prayer time, we have an hour to get ready and eat breakfast at 8. If you ever go to Nicaragua, I hope you like rice and beans. Some days after breakfast, our super awesome ministry host Scott who we love so much will do a devotion with us before we start ministry. In the morning, we’ll split into two groups. One group will be working on the farm pulling weeds, helping in the kitchen, praying over rooms, etc. and another group will do prayer walks. We call it prayer walking instead of evangelism because most of the people we talk to already know the Lord and we’re just there to encourage and pray over them. After we eat lunch, the groups will switch.

Some afternoons instead of going on prayer walks, we get to visit a nearby hospital and pray over people there. We’ve met so many incredible people there with such strong faiths and confidence that God will provide.

Something else we’ve gotten to be a part of is dump ministry. There is a dump near us in Granada where people go and search for things to sell to make a living. They’re making about $2 a day searching through trash for plastic and other things that someone might buy. Twice a week, we go out and share a message with them and serve them lunch.

I also just wanted to talk about the REAP staff for a minute because they’ve been so awesome and kind to us. And these people can COOK let me tell you, we are well taken care of. Most days their kiddos are there too and I’ve had so much fun playing with them and getting to know them better. They’re all so sweet and have such spunky little personalities. If you’ve seen my Instagram post, you know they love to just climb all over us.

I’m so excited to see what God has in store for us the rest of our time in this country. See you next t ime!

6 responses to “Ministry in Nicaragua!”

  1. So great to read this and hear about your time! Lucy is in the process of signing up for a gap year world race for next year and itโ€™s encouraging to hear about your experience ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Thanks for the update! Glad you’re loving your time there. Blessings to you and the whole squad.

  3. So happy to hear from you. Iโ€™ve been wondering about you every time I pass your house. Iโ€™m glad you are having a wonderful time. God bless