Welcome back everybody! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. We weren’t able to post any blogs in our last country (which was INDIA by the way!!) but now that we’ve made it to Nepal, I can give a little update on our time there!
Adjusting to the culture in India was a lot harder than I thought it would be and there was a lot of spiritual darkness there. Before Christmas, most of our time there was spent sitting in our (very nice) apartment and having prayer time and bible studies with our host’s parents who we lived with. And then our entire team got food poisoning and stayed home for ANOTHER week! Finally, once we recovered and felt safe enough to leave the toilet, we got to go visit some schools and teach English. The kids we got to meet were just the sweetest and so so smart. The last two weeks there, we visited two different villages. At the second village we went to, we got to help lead a children’s conference which was the best thing ever. If you didn’t already know, I have a huge heart for children’s ministry and getting to show the Lord’s love to those kiddos filled me so much. We taught them a lot those three days (from bible verses to the Cotton-eyed Joe) but we also learned so much. They had such a hunger for the Lord’s love. That really convicted me to be filled by THAT and resting in Him instead of trying to find fulfillment in approval of man.
If you follow my Instagram, you already know my team had the opportunity to visit one of the seven wonders of the world! Oh my goodness gracious, it was incredible. How many people get to say they spent their 19th birthday at the Taj Mahal?? Afterwards, we got to visit another wonder India has to offer: McDonald’s (BIG fan. If you haven’t tried Indian McDonald’s, I would highly recommend).
And now we’ve made it to our third country! Stay tuned to hear about ministry in Nepal!
What a wonderful experience! May God bless you on your journey.
Love following you on your journey. Praying for safety and health protection as you continue to spread the Good News!
You know we love your updates, Mal! ❤️
Big hugs and smooches,